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Friday, November 19, 2010

Sully Erna has made some beautiful paganesque music

This was originally posted on That Devil Music, but it was suggested that this would be a great post for this site as well. More original postings to come.

sully erna avalon Pictures, Images and Photos

So I was at Borders in Sacramento over the weekend at the Kat Von D book signing and drool-fest. It was a pretty cool experience though Sac had one of the hottest November days in ages; which sucked. About the third hour I was finally in the store and weaving through the various aisles as the line made it's way to the tattoo master.

While I passed through the CD's I had the idea to check through the letter F for Firewind's "Allegiance": no luck. What I did see however took me by surprise. I had no idea Godsmack front-man Sully Erna put out a solo album.

Being that as of late, no matter how much I love Godsmack, their last few works have been less than stellar releases. I haven't heard "The Oracle" yet aside from a few singles but I gathered from reviews I've read about it that it wasn't that good. I did see the other day that you can buy it on amazon for less than five bucks so that was pretty telling.

To support them I did buy the 4.99 album and downloaded it last night though I haven't heard it yet. Reason being is that I was playing the iTunes samples for Sully's solo work Avalon over and over and looking around for the best price for the CD. I want to support these bands I love but I'm not made of money.

(Hindsight being 20/20 I think I would have paid any price to own this work of art.)

So I see that amazon is selling it for about nine dollars which is perfect because I wanted the physical copy. I've been listening to his CD, Avalon all day today and I'm totally loving it. It's not a complete departure from Godsmack's previous recordings when, for the most part the album is very similar to their songs "Serenity", "Voodoo", and "Hollow". If you enjoyed those tracks you're going to love these songs.

What makes this album different is the talent he chooses to surround himself with. Various instrumentalist and vocalist he utilizes here add to the already colorful palette he crafts these song with. They all just add another dimension to an ready incredible musician. The album include Lisa Guyer on vocals, classically trained Cellist Irina Chirkova of Bulgaria, and from Ireland, percussionist Niall Gregory of Dead Can Dance, Chris Lester and Tim Therriault.

Sully, also, definitely caters to the Pagan in me with the lyrics he uses and the primordial drum beats that run in sync with the beating of the warrior spirits that dwell within our essence. He runs the gambit of all that he is with these beautifully crafted songs: warrior, father, lover, God, son. You connect with all those intricate layers he's woven within the folds of his songs and I want nothing else than to run home, grab my Djembe and join in the drumming circle he's instigated. Something that seriously tripped me out was in reading on his website the lyrics for these songs, the first track "Avalon" was co-written by Laurie Cabot (one of the most famous modern day witch)

I haven't heard one song I dislike, I haven't heard one second of this amazingly gorgeous record that I would change. It's perfect. The only thing that bothers me about it is that I had no idea it was out. It's not getting any radio play as far ad I can tell, no advertising I have seen anywhere and that's just sad. Anyone and everyone who loves music, sublime musicianship and elegantly crafted lyrics and primitive rhythms pulsating through your veins - this album is for you.

So go on: grab your drums, get your smudge Wands, dance under the light of the moon and revel in the awesomeness of this music. But don't let your faith, or even lack of faith stop you from getting this little plastic disc of audible ecstasy - this music is for anyone who loves pure and perfectly crafted music. Do yourself a favor and don't let this one pass you by.

Hail Avalon indeed.

10 out of 10.

Here's iTunes!

Here's Amazon (Where I got mine)

Buy This CD!!!!!

Pentacle Divider


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Creative Commons License
Songs of the Goddess by Draeden is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at songsofthegoddess.blogspot.com.


  1. What an amazing journey! Avalon is a Ritual that transcends me every time I listen to it. I can't wait to utilize pieces of this within the ceremonies of our own COSM Tradition.

  2. I felt the same way when I heard it.. I could just imagine Rise Up being utilized in ceremony.. very uplifting (no pun intended).. and it really comes off more like a chant than a regular song.

  3. This is an amazing album! I have been listening to it all day long. I especially love track 6 - The Rise...beautiful.

  4. Yeah. I didn't realize this until yesterday, There's another track on iTunes that's not on the CD. It's called "Cast Out (Spirit Ceremony). Wow. I did purchase it (of course). Well worth it.
