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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Songs of the Goddess Favourites

Oh guys, so here's the deal with this post. Every once and a while I'm going to just up and post a song at random. There's no reason or rhyme for it, it's just a song that happens to pop into my head and I wanted to share with you.

This one is one of those songs that you just happen to come across and end up falling in love with. The funny thing, up til today, I had no idea who performed this song, I ended up putting in generic information and giving it some artwork in my iTunes library that I happened to think fit the song. Little did I realize that this song WAS on iTunes, and I just had to take the time to look for it. The song is called "The River is Flowing" and it's by Katrin Brown.

I've had this one for YEARS. Whenever I get myself into a particularly witchy mood, I always end up throwing this one into the play-list. It's positively beautiful, with kind of a singsong chant all throughout the song, capping off the last half of the song with an English Children's Choir (with kind of a Pink Floyd's "The Wall" feel to it, but without all the uncomfortableness). :) So enjoy it for no other reason than to enjoy it. If you're interested in the song, as much as I am - feel free to check out the bottom of this post for a link to the MP3 on Amazon.com.

Here's a video (not an official one, mind you - just a way for me to share the song with you. I don't think even the person who made the video gave proper credit to the artist.

Here is the link to the MP3 at Amazon.com

Pentacle Divider


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Creative Commons License
Songs of the Goddess by Draeden is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at songsofthegoddess.blogspot.com.

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